What Do U FeeL When U Came At Ur 2nd Graduation?

what do u feel when u came at ur 2nd graduation

My Point Of View On My 2nd Graduation

Well this is december 2024 and I’m 26 years old right now wkwkwkkwkw, my closet friend said what do u feel andrew when u came at 2nd graduation? Ehm, ya it feels good, but the graduation not as lively as the graduation at “Timur Jawa Dwipa Campus” 5 years ago but it still memorable. I just attend it private with ma mom and sister I don’t invite someone special or someone relate with that, no!

Well, ya I should admit 2 years+ continue my study it feels like nano nano I mean rame rasanya hahahaha 🙂 it need dedication support and hard work, I really thankful to my advisor and my leader at previous office. Mr Himawan he’s really really best advisor and my leader Mr Denny at previous office, who drive me to continue my study for better future too. 

Ya, I extend my studies and took the employee class at the end of eight semester, I had to have consultation my thesis and my program to my advisor (I make simple ecommerce site for my last project) and the consultation held at night and ya the time I out of the office at 6.30 or 7.30 pm and then take the consultation with Mr. Himawan from 9 to 12 at night, sometimes we met at Blok M Square or Burger King Sarinah, ya ate first then did thesis guidance 🙂 that was really struggle hahahaha 😀 

But thangks for him, he want wait me if I’m late because the trip from my office to that place its needed time and jakarta always traffic, hfttt :’D

So what I learn from my extend study is how to manage and balance everything well include manage income, manage stress, manage time and manage my emotion because to be honest I really admit it when I try do everything all at once, it became burden and make me temper oftentimes,  to manage all of this is like lifelong learning constantly. 

Then thangkfull to ur self to not giving up even ur on lowest point and dude finally u got that degree. Then how’s life update after graduation and your not 25 anymore?

1 month recorvery from sickness

Well at 23 I had covid and it need 2 months recorvey because ya its complex hfftt and ya after my graduation at july 2024, then on august 2024 my old disease came to me, That Bronkitis came to me and my imun suddenly drop at that time I really feel suffer because cought every single day, vomit, high temperature and gerd.

I even can’t going anywhre till I hire grab driver to pick me all of medicine and food even all of the food at that time feels bitter and to drive me back and forth to hospital  after 1 month a week recorvery finally I healed

Healthy is expensive, so you have to take care of your health  don’t get sick, make sure you have an insurance, especially if you live in Jakarta where the air is dirty. I really really noticed about this.

Move company after 3 years+

I really really thangkfull from my previous company who want hire me, I learn a lot, manage biggest SEO project in indonesia, meet an awesome and coolest people which famous in indonesia, discussion every single day with a best colleague and do a / b test campaign that was really incredible. Ya, thats best experince but because one thing or another I choose to move for richer experience and ya its secret thing too I can’t explain this more.

Take some course and pratice english every single day

Well my lecturer said,  Learning is for the rest of your life. You have to will yourself to succeed, only you can do it, other people can’t! So, ya the end of 2024 is the end of my 26. Wkwkwk, ya what I do is I take some course, pratice english every single day, meet people and discussion with tech community especially in digital marketing, manage my own project and try to find what I want to learn or what the major I should take for my next education I mean I want to chase master degree next. This is I still try to find the answer and I hope in 2025 I know what’s the answer.

Reading book occasionally 

Ya, I keep try to update my brain not to downgrade it and try reduce what is unnecessary and makes me sad. Builth good habits such as waking up early, reading a book, exercising, going to church, praying the rosary, journaling, meet a community to share ideas even though its a hard at first but I try to build them slowly.

A biggest Quate that I really remember is “Apa yang sudah kamu mulai jangan pernah berhenti selesaikan sampai di titik akhir, tanggung jawab atas semua keputusan yang sudah kamu pilih”

And dude. Ya, in life there’s no ctrl+z so enjoy every single day of your life include ups and down hehehe 😀